15 February 2007


Dear friends,

It's been two weeks since my last post and I think it's fair to say that this blog is now defunct. I've really enjoyed this excercise in virtual community, and I think there have been some good and interesting exchanges. Thanks to all who read and all who have posted comments. I'm surprised to say that I feel I've made a couple of friends this way (which is something completely unexpected--I was just hoping to keep thinking about the world around me, and possibly to keep distant friends and relatives posted on my whereabouts and activities). For those of you who I don't know in person but who sent me emails or replied to various posts, thank you. I am much more optimistic about "new media" and much more willing to accept that online communities really ARE communities now that I've spent a reasonable amount of time perusing them.

I rarely post about my personal life, but (oddly) I feel I owe some sort of explanation for my sudden departure. For those of you who know me personally and were shocked to see that I became a corporate hack, you'll be pleased to know that I've handed in my resignation. Don't get too excited: the exercise in shameless capitalism was a good thing, and I'm certainly not ruling out a glorious return to the private sector. I freely confess I've grown partial to lavish quarterly parties and snazzy corporate logos, not to mention my 401(k), dental insurance, and year-end bonus check. I know what I'm leaving behind, and it is a lot.

But I've always had vague plans to travel extensively. Now I will indulge them. If there's anything that being established in New York has given me, it's a renewed sense of wanderlust, along with a bankroll to finance it. In March, I fly to my home away from home in Indonesia, where I will meet old friends. From there, the world awaits.

I do love this city, though. When I started this blog, I was very much an outsider commenting upon this one-of-a-kind, crazy, glamorous, wonderful place that I was watching from my balcony. Now I'm as much a part of the scene as an observor: I care who the mayor is, whether the baseball field has artificial turf, and that too few people visit the Brooklyn Museum of art. I know where to get fantastic sushi and stylish drinks and I can wander around the Village without getting lost in the backstreets. I like it here.

But I don't think I could live in New York long-term. I miss trees and yards, beautiful vistas, knowing my neighbors, driving fast on empty roads, and a million other things that simply have no place in this city. I think I miss the academic world, too; getting paid to read is perhaps the greatest luxury there is. I'll probably go back to school before I get another "real" job (though, having had an intellectually stimulating job with great friends already, I'm still not entirely sure about this).

The next month or so is a haze of planning for my departure: moving out of the apartment, finalizing visas, wrapping up at work. I'm going to try to keep a blog while I'm on the road, too; check back at www.worlddiary.blogspot.com in March. (If I use another site instead, I'll let you know in an update here.)

Finally, you can all write to me at the addresses below. I promise a post card to anybody who does so (if I get your letter, at least). Also, if you're one of those regular readers who lives in Europe, Asia, or Africa, I'll be swinging through your neck of the woods in the next year. Want to meet up?

So long, all. It's been an awful lot of fun.


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