03 January 2007

Corpo Desko

My favorite cartoon currently in syndication is the politically incorrect, occasionally dark, sometimes self-referential, and often pun-filled Pearls Before Swine, by Stephan Pastis. I love the wordplay of the strip; I love the sheer idiocy of many of its various characters; I love the cowboys who settle their disputes by discussing their feelings, the vikings who like to watch Oprah, and the nonsequitorial misadventures of the ill-fated Angry Bob.

This is why, for Christmas (or Hannukah, or New Year's Day--it's not entirely clear to me), a friend gave me the 2006 Pearls Before Swine desk calendar.

This is how I know I'm a grown-up now.

The corporate desk calendar was always the domain of my father. Round about December 20th, my brother and I used to coordinate closely in order to make sure that my dad received one, and only one, desk calender at Christmas. (This has dropped off now, but it certainly used to be de rigeur.) I find it a bit odd, to say the least, that such a gift has now become practical and appropriate to give to me.

The trappings of adulthood are interesting. How is it that flying off to Ireland on my own, hosting dinner parties for friends, and reading serious history books don't appear to me to identify myself as particularly grown-up, but the possession of a calendar full of amusing comic strips does?


At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait until teh first time you get called "Sir." It will happen sooner than you think.

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Skay said...

I doubt it, K. What with the hair and occasional matching earrings and all, people tend to correctly presume I'm a "Ma'am."

Though they don't do it yet.

At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which one of these did you not do in high school or college:
1) fly off to another continent on your own;
2) play host to friends;
3) read serious history books;
4) own a cartoon desk calendar?


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