11 September 2006

9/11 in NYC

This whole thing is fucked up.

I don't want to participate in the glamorization of 9/11. I don't want to participate in the hijacking of this date for a political agenda, right-wing or left-wing or even appealingly moderate. I don't always feel like compromising or being nice. I don't see what thanking the Marines has to do with remembering the collapse of the twin towers. I don't think all idologies are created equal. I don't like people's morbid fascinations. I don't want to hear another one of those calls from people trapped inside the buildings to 911 crews who couldn't get to them. I wish people noticed the flags at half mast. I'm tired of the bickering over the WTC site. I hate the World Trade Center movies and I wish people wouldn't watch them. I'm disgusted by evocative video montages that toy with emotions just for the sake of toying with emotions. I'm tired of people who pretend not to remember that anything happened. I'm tired of people who remember too much, too vocally, too voyeuristically. I'm tired of this whole goddamned thing.


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