20 June 2006


I've been in and out of the city over the last week or so, but the rain seems to be following me. I'm beginning to feel a bit like Noah at this point, what with the downpour at about 4:00 every day. Perhaps global warming has moved the tropics far enough north to explain the rainy season in New York and Michigan.

Anyway, you should see the water zip down and pour off of the sides of this building. The building itself always makes me think of racecars defying gravity and zooming up the sloped sides. No reason for that, I suppose; it's just the way things are. There's a nice parallel, then, in actually seeing the water zoom on down.


At 1:21 AM, Blogger blackcrag said...

I bet skateboarders look at that building and think "If only I had rockets on my board...."

At 12:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure if they had rockets on the boards they'd still fall off.

At 2:48 AM, Blogger blackcrag said...

That's why the skateboarders are wearing parachutes!


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