04 May 2006

The Apartment (Finally)

Also, in other news, I've finally moved into the 21st century with a new computer that can handle images. Yay! So, finally, here's a taste of my spiffy New York apartment. To the left, you see a mirror and some interesting spatial stuff going on with the hallway between the living room and the (New York-sized) kitchen area. I like what the mirror does to the angles of the room.

And here's, um, a wall (with glass coffee table in the foreground). The pyramid, red pentagon dice game, and cube on the coffee table are all math games. The pyramid took me two years to solve; it represents a kind of pinnacle of my college career, and I'm exceedingly proud of the fact that I managed to get all those pieces together in a regular form. It's not news to any of you, my readers, that I'm a big dork.

That reminds me of a joke told to me by cousin R. God creates the animals and the people and He says, "Go forth and multiply!" Well, everybody is very pleased with this commandment and they multiply just as fast as they can. Except the snakes. God, annoyed, comes down and says, "What's wrong here? I gave you a commandment. I'm God!" The snakes sort of waver a bit and try to say that they can't reproduce quite like the others, but God'll have none of it. "Just do what I say!" he commands. So the snakes slither off and the next day God comes down to check on them. To his dismay, there are still only two snakes! God is annoyed and chastises them, and they sort of hem and haw and then finally say, "Well, we're not like the others. Do you think you could knock down a couple of trees for us?" God can, obviously, and he does, but he leaves in a bad mood and assures the snakes that he'll be back the next day to check on their progress. Well, Lo and Behold!, on day # 3 God sees that the snakes have finally managed to go forth and multiply in fine fashion. He is pleased. So he praises them a bit and then asks, "What on Earth was the problem?" The snakes turn to him. "We're adders," they say. "We need logs to multiply." (Lamp and windows up by the beginning of this joke. More with the table just above. No pictures of the bedroom, kitchen, or bathroom in this installment...)


At 1:59 PM, Blogger blackcrag said...

Your place looks good!

At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's the guestroom? I am anticipating a jaunt to NYC sometime in the november season to visit my various friends who have wandered their way over.

also can you hear me rolling me eyes from her ein chicago re: that joke...groan. I love it.

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 and e^x are walking down the street when they see a derivative coming the other way.

"Gasp!" says 5. "I am just the number 5! If I come in contact with that derivative, I will surely vanish!"

"Never fear," says e^x, "for I am the exponent function! Derivatives cannot stop me, and I will protect you!"

So e^x walks up to the derivative, extends his hand, and says, "hello! I am e^x!"

The derivative responds, "nice to meet you. I'm d/dy."

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Skay said...

Oh man, Donovan, that's bad. But it also makes me laugh, so I guess it's not ALL bad...



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